Husband and wife team armed with a camera and a pair of binoculars on a mission to see as much British wildlife as we can.
Despite always being fascinated by the natural world, our desire to see as much as we could in person started back in 2014 after we first visited the Scottish Highlands. It was just as we started travelling home following our visit that we accidentally surprised a Golden Eagle tucking into an early morning kill in the middle of a quiet road. We'd never seen a Golden Eagle before, and it was a great first introduction.
As we were approaching the scene, we initially thought it was a gang of Crows scavenging some road kill, and it was only as we got closer that we realised that it wasn't several large Crows, but just one ginormous Eagle.
As we got closer it took opened up it's wings and took off over the car, carrying it's kill (a large Hare) with it. It's hard to describe how big and majestic a fully grown Golden Eagle is, but it was big enough that I instinctively ducked, despite being protected in a car.
After that we've been hooked on seeing as much Wildlife as we possibly can.
Mr & Mrs. B